Sunday, May 13, 2018

Paraschos named professor emeritus at Emerson

Dr. Manolis Paraschos, professor of journalism and one of Sabbatoparea's founding fathers, was just named professor emeritus at Emerson College. He has been at Emerson for 29 years and is retiring at the end of May. He has served as chair and dean at the college and was head of Emerson's European Institute for International Communication in Maastricht, The Netherlands, in 1991-94. He served as a Fulbright Scholar in Scandinavia in 1986-87.

Paraschos donated his latest book, The Boston Journalism Trail, to the Emerson Journalism Department to be used as a fund raiser for his scholarship which is to be awarded to "first generation" journalism students and/or to those whose parents have been immigrants to America.

Paraschos with daughter Sophia, left, and wife Janet at the ceremony.

Paraschos with his former college roommate and Sabbatoparea member Frank Fotis,
who attended the ceremony at Agganis Arena Sunday.

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