Tuesday, January 24, 2017

36th annual Kalanda raises $3,800

More than 50 children, young adults and their parents raised approximately $3,800 for the Boston Children’s Hospital Hellenic Cardiac Fund (HCF) and Communities Without Borders (CWB) by singing the Greek New Year’s Kalanda (carols) on Jan. 1 in Newton and surrounding communities.

For the 36th year the Kalanda tradition brought together the older and younger generations of children and their parents, thereby reaffirming old friendships and fostering new ones, thus recreating a sense of community, common identity and culture. HCF will get $3,500 and $300 will go to CWB to benefit children in Africa. The money, as always, was collected in the white-and-blue paper boat constructed by the original carolers in 1982.

Several of the children who participated in the early years of Kalanda have finished college, have entered successfully into their professional careers, have families  and brought their own children to this year’s Kalanda. Some of these are: J. Zannis, M.  Zanni/Humphrey, C. Madias, P. Vlagopoulos, N. Georgakis/Poli and H. Delichatsios.  

The Kalanda started in the house of David and Markella Humphrey/Zannis where (via phone or Skype) the group sang to friends in other parts of the United States and the world such as the families of Haralambos/Rita Pothoulakis, George/Argini Lappas, Mody and George Kefalas, Argyro Rekletis, Kalliopi Sitaras, Nikolas Zannis, L. Triarchou, M.  Paraschos, J. Vassilakis, M. Delichatsios, L. Karagiorgos, P. Vokonas, KTravagiakis, J. Madias and V. Zannis. Kostas Travagiakis sang Cretan mandinades, especially composed for the occasion.

Then the group visited the houses of J. Zannis, C. Madias,  N. Ceorgaki/Poli, K. Vrouvlianis, N. Madias, Metropolitant Methodios (who offered prayers for peace on earth), L. Papaslis and D. Papaslis.

Some of the children and young adult carolers were: Helen Delichatsios-Pitas and her daughters, Nina and Mia; Natali Georgakis/Poli, her husband Sam and their daughters, Alexa and Markella; Peni Vlagopoulos, Boby and their son Orion; Alexander and Daphne Pissios; John Zannis  and Laura Falardeu and their daughter  Esme-Liana; Effie  Kazakos; Maria Papakonstantinou; Antony Melidonis;  Sophia Paraschos;  Joe Fantony; Kostis Theoharides;  David Humphrey and Markella Zanni and their children, Andrew-Vassilis, Clara-Eleni and Laena.

Kalanda Choir Director Prof. Nick Madias said “I cannot think of a better way to celebrate the start of a new year than to participate in the New Year’s Kalanda.”

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