Sympareotis Makis Emmanouilidis recently produced the Angelo
Terzakis CD on which he has been working for the last 15 years. He said he was
inspired by Terzakis’s writing and deep thoughts.
He said he started writing the first verses of
Izabeau in the early 2000s and then he added music and verses inspired by other
Terzakis novels such as Μυστική Ζωή, Μενεξεδένια Πολιτεία και Δίχως Θεό.
the last three years, he said, he experimented with different, musicians,
orchestration and arrangements. He added that he hopes to connect with Classics
departments, and lovers of the Greek language and music.
“I wanted
to demonstrate through poetry and melodies that contemporary Greek literature
music are alive and connect with Greek-American and American audiences in
general,” he said.
“It is his
largest project ever and will always be dear to my heart,” Emmanouilidis said.
You may
order your CD here:
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