Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Parea-Forum, a new way to promote, facilitate discussion among Sympareotes

The Parea Forum serves as the Parea mailing list. If you send an email to:

all members of the group will receive it, and if you reply to it, all members will receive your reply.

Most importantly, the Parea Forum serves as a repository of our exchanges, nicely organized as discussion threads. So, if your routine response to a Parea email is to click the “delete” button, but on a lazy weekend you feel the urge to catch up with Parea Pontifications, you can visit the group at

You have to create a Google account to access the group, using the email you receive this as login and choosing a password. It takes a few seconds. It is worth it.

The Parea Forum group has been set up on solid democratic principles: Membership is by invitation and only members have access, but no manager decides who is a member. Any member can invite others to join the Parea Forum, and the membership list is visible to all members.

I took the liberty to add all members in the current Parea mailing list to the Parea Forum. Anyone who doesn’t want to belong to this group, and avoid the resulting spam, can click the unsubscribe link as soon as they receive the notice...but they will miss all the fun....

So, sharpen your dialectical tools, dust off your jokes and let’s talk, not only on Saturdays, but all week long! (Illustration by the ΨΕΜΑτάρχης.)


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