Personal Trainers, Tom Hanks, Receptions of the Rich & Famous and now...the Flight of the Condor?
Guys, looks like California is the place to be. We must follow Harry. I propose that Aris opens an Athans branch in LA and we all catch the RedEye on Friday nights.
Τί άλλο θα δούνε τα μάτια μας; A "Speedo"? Καλά φοβόταν ο Θηβαίος πέρσυ οτι τελικά θα γυρίσει με κουσούρι ο φίλος μας....
Personal Trainers, Tom Hanks, Receptions of the Rich & Famous and now...the Flight of the Condor?
Guys, looks like California is the place to be. We must follow Harry. I propose that Aris opens an Athans branch in LA and we all catch the RedEye on Friday nights.
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