Sunday, September 16, 2007

Τά τελευταία νέα μας

Χθές κέρασε ο νέος παπούς
16 Σεπτ. 2007

Ο Συμπαρεώτης Βασίλης χθές (15/9/07) έφερε φωτογραφίες του νέου Σαββατοπαρεώπουλου καί Σαββατογεννημένου εγγονού του, Ανδρέα Βασίλη, καί κέρασε τήν παρέα πρός τιμήν του.

New members join Sabbatoparea--hats in short supply...
Aug. 26, 2007

George, Vasilis and Fotis have recently joined the group (we have no more hats--we'll have to order some more). We now have representatives in LA and Athens. Vasilis just gave the graduation address at the Medical School in Crete.

Vaios officially presented Thanos (above) with his own hat in Athens last July, at which point Thanos informed the parea that he had gotten married a few months ago!!!

Slowly sympareotes are returning from their vacations, but two of them are near the fires in Greece right now--Yannis ο Επικοινωνιάρχης is in Evia and Alekos ο Ψεματάρχης in Messinia. We hope they are safe.

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